
Video: Who Should Lead the Charge on Web3 and the Metaverse?

September 6, 2022

Cliff Justice, U.S. Leader of Enterprise Innovation at KPMG LLP, discusses who should be leading and defining vision on Web3 and metaverse technology.

The metaverse may shape the next phase of remote work and e-commerce, Justice says, creating new possibilities for training, collaboration, and customer engagement. 

”It’s still very early days,” Justice says. “There are inventions that haven’t been made yet. The cost of some of these technologies are still quite high. They will come down… The companies that are setting the pace are the companies that do have the leadership. It’s not necessarily the CTO. It’s the executive leadership of the businesses who are looking forward at how their businesses will change.”

(Featured image by Charlota Blunarova on Unsplash.)
