“There are two skills that are essential for your success: Your ability to include people with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives and your ability to listen to them,” says Moisés Noreña. “When you combine these two skill sets, you will find true innovation, rich solutions — things that are truly unique.”
In his sixth commandment, Noreña explores how innovators can create and unlock the power of diverse teams. Noreña is the former head of innovation at Whirlpool, Allstate, and Moen. He poses questions teams should consider:
• Do you have a presentation of the three essential skills to drive innovation: design thinking, business acumen, and technology?
• When you look at your team, do you have representation of age and seniority in your company?
• Do you have people from a variety of backgrounds, geographies and lived experiences?
• Do you have people with different gender or sexual orientation?
Next up: Commandment #7, or you can watch this video in Spanish.