
July 25th: Rethinking Your Innovation Strategy — Hard Truths About Corporate Innovation


Corporate innovation faces significant challenges. Despite substantial investments in labs, accelerators, and VC arms, many companies struggle to keep pace with disruptive change. The uncomfortable truth? Your current innovation strategy may not be delivering the results you need. But there’s an emerging approach gaining traction: focused, internally-driven venture building.

Join us on July 25th at 12pm ET for a candid conversation with Jacob Dutton from Future Foundry. In this session, Jacob will challenge conventional wisdom about innovation, exploring why:

  • Traditional innovation labs often underdeliver — learn how to evolve or pivot these initiatives for real impact
  • Corporate VC faces unique hurdles — discover how to avoid common pitfalls and identify genuine opportunities
  • Startup collaborations have limitations — find out why developing internal ventures can be a more effective strategy
  • Existing company cultures can inadvertently hinder innovation — understand the shifts needed to foster internal entrepreneurship
  • Many innovation metrics fall short — learn which key measures truly indicate success and drive growth.

Note: This session offers a frank assessment of current innovation practices. We’ll examine widely held assumptions and present a bold strategy for building ventures that create tangible value.

We look forward to stimulating discussion and addressing your most pressing innovation challenges!

Speaker Bio

Jacob Dutton, CEO & Co-Founder

For the last 17 years, Jacob has worked with companies like Walgreens, Microsoft, Disney, HSBC, and Reckitt to turn new ideas into breakthrough ventures. 

As Co-Founder and CEO of Future Foundry, he leads efforts to accelerate, de-risk, and systematise the creation of new products and services for the world’s leading companies. Since 2020, he’s launched over 100 corporate startups and unlocked more than $15 billion in value.

Jacob also teaches venture-building at Maven, helping both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs master the process of designing, testing and scaling new ventures.
