
We Can Help You Identify the Ideal Partners 

Identifying the Ideal Partners: It’s very important to partner with the consulting firms, training providers, venture builders, or software solution providers that can help you achieve your goals. But finding the right partner is often a frustrating, inefficient process, however, and the stakes are high — strategy, innovation and R&D teams just don’t have the time or money to waste on the wrong partnership.

We Can Help: We have created tools and processes to help you clarify your needs, prioritize your desired outcomes and profile your optimal partnership. We then rely on data we continually collect from corporate leaders and vendors — as well as deep dive conversations with both — to help you make the right match. To learn more, please watch our brief overview and Matchmaking Tool walkthrough videos to the right.

If you’re ready to get started, please click on this link or the button to the right to launch and use our Matchmaking Tool. We’ll then follow up with you directly. Or, if you’d like to learn more, contact Alex Slawsby or schedule a call with him.

Key Resources: You can consult our directory of the top providers, or scan through our spreadsheet of sole proprietors. You can also read past issues of our Pointers e-book series. 

“The InnoLead team saved me a lot of time and energy by helping me carefully define my consulting needs and then by making introductions to a narrow set of the right potential partners.” — Peter Maathey, Innovation Leader, Pacific Life

Perspective on InnoLead’s Matchmaking Approach: Scott Burns, VP of Enterprise Innovation, NRG

“We’d gotten three names of vendors from people internally, all of whom we’d worked with before. Your input helped us turn that into a much more rational set of vendors, and we ultimately picked someone we hadn’t heard of, or worked with, before.” — SVP, Fortune 500 Financial Services Firm

Overview Video

Walkthrough Video