InnoLead CEO Scott Kirsner shares some data highlights from our latest research about budgets, staffing, metrics, outcomes delivered, and use of AI by innovation and R&D teams.
What should the best companies be doing in 2024 to make sure they have the right leaders in place, and the right resources and organizational structure, to make innovation a long-term priority that delivers real results? To explore these questions — and serve up some answers — we convened a group...
The year is 2034, writes Sara Husk of HYPE Innovation. Innovation is no longer confined to a single department; it has become a cultural phenomenon—top of mind and all-encompassing. How did we get here?
Brian Miske of KPMG writes that organizations that are consistently innovative recognize that the best innovations are born from human curiosity and creativity. Learn about his "four hallmarks" of innovation leaders.
Short but specific slide deck from a June 2024 InnoLead members meeting. Covers what must be in place to build capability for strategic innovation, as well as key lessons from trying to ensure the capability survives and thrives over time.
Artificial intelligence is the shiny new object poised to accelerate the "front end of innovation" process. A critical success factor in delivering real value, however, is a robust "back end of innovation" process. Catch the webcast replay or summary...
The challenge for most corporate leaders today isn't whether or not to engage with genAI, but how best to prepare for, manage, and communicate this enterprise transformation. Here are the best resources...
If you’re chartered with “innovation beyond the core,” it's crucial that you deliver quick wins…right now…to protect your senior leadership support and budget. This webcast with Disruptive Edge lays out how to do that.
Most everyday decisions in large organizations should be made “at the edge,” at the level of the individual contributor or team, rather than at the level of the executive. The increased speed of decision making more than justifies the additional small-scale risk, assuming boundaries are made clear. Yes, that’s a...
Featuring Rich Gotham, Team President of the Boston Celtics; John Murray, President & CEO of Sonesta International Hotels Corporation; and Shira Goodman, a Board Member at CarMax, CBRE, Henry Schein.
“Fear of the unicorn” is over. We are now in an era where companies fear — and should fear — being insufficiently intelligent about AI. InnoLead Co-Founder Scott Kirsner explains...
Presented at an InnoLead event in May 2023, this short PPT preso serves up an overview of how AI will impact healthcare over the coming five years, specifically focused on wellness/healthcare/aging at home, but also touching on drug discovery and the work of clinicians.
Gen AI is a technology with the potential to transform core business processes, as well as the way organizations experiment, launch new products, and build new businesses. But many companies are still wondering where to start. Alex Slawsby and Rachel Gordon lay out seven steps.
As part of our recent research initiative, "Driving Growth Through New Ventures and Corporate VC," we put five key questions to Andrew Matuszak, KPMG Managing Director and one of the founders of KPMG Ventures.
Act One of corporate innovation is over, says Todd Dunn. What happened? "Many organizations have not developed innovation as a strategic and ongoing source of competitive advantage," he writes in a recent LinkedIn piece.
This short PPT deck looks at the state of generative AI in 2023 and poses the questions of whether it might help facilitate better knowledge management across silos of a large organization, or change the way user interfaces are designed.
We talk with Colgate-Palmolive's Ann Tracy about the making the recyclable tube happen; the company's three "ambition pillars"; and how the company tracks progress toward its sustinability goals.
In this video, Rachel Gordon of the consultancy Triple Agent joins Alex Slawsby and Scott Kirsner of InnoLead to wrap up 2023 — and talk about how AI will change the job of corporate innovators in 2024.
In this short video, Innosight partner Ned Calder shares advice about how leaders should be approaching opportunities, risks, and organizational change dynamics related to artificial intelligence.