Olivier Toubia of Columbia Business School discusses factors leading to failure, how connecting with customers lays the foundation for success, and the role machine learning should play in sifting through ideas.
The inside story how how a skunkworks team of Coca-Cola engineers created the Freestyle soda fountain back in 2007 — and what they’re working on and imporving for the second iteration.
How do you ensure that an innovation lab takes advantage of the engineering smarts of the core business? Find out how Piaggio Fast Forward tackled the challenge.
David Rottblatt of EmbraerX, a disruptive innovation team at Embraer, explains how the team is set up and some initial projects, including a collaboration with Uber.
Navi Radjou, whose TED talk on frugal innovation has garnered over 1.6 million views, explains some of the values driving the phenomenon, and answers questions.
InnoLead's Scott Kirsner and Kyle Nel, the former Executive Director of Lowe's Innovation Labs, discuss best practices for scouting trends and emerging technologies.
Leslie Shannon, Head of Ecosystem and Trends Scouting at Nokia, explains how science fiction can be an important bellwether of what technologies will take off.
Robert Perri of PepsiCo, talks about the importance of budget, borrowing resources when necessary, and close ties between innovation or R&D teams and their business unit partners.
Julie Ferland of the Shell TechWorks innovation lab, offers an inside at the space; the types of projects it works on; and the team Shell has assembled from outside the oil and gas industry.
Nigel Hughes, Head of R&D at the cereal giant Kellogg Co., talks about distinguishing between fads and “seismic shifts,” and how the R&D organization is changing.
Vertex’s CEO talks about the importance of investing in R&D — and the three pitfalls for companies that have attained success in the marketplace, including complacency.
PepsiCo Vice Chairman Mehmood Khan talks about the links between sustainability and innovation; bringing in new skill sets into R&D; the challenge of measuring progress; and more.
Bill McInnis of Reebok says the company wanted “a lot more speed, a lot more local, and a lot more custom.” This inspired initiatives like the "Liquid Factory" and "Cotton + Corn."