An innovation leader from financial services shared the questions he uses in conversations with people who sponsor or collaborate with the innovation team.
"You really have to be careful what you wish for when you talk about getting your CEO involved with innovation," says Nancy Shea of Kraft Foods, Ashland Inc., and World Kitchen...
As staffing levels have risen and fallen, and reporting relationships have changed, $40 billion health insurer Humana has kept a commitment to innovation alive.
Christensen, author of the seminal business book “The Innovator’s Dilemma,” warns that too many executives don’t understand the “corporate laws of physics” in enough detail — and think they can simply will the organization to change how it works.
What do you do when business unit executives complain that your ideas are just too complicated to deploy? Innovators from Starbucks, Kraft, and Hyatt discuss.
What is the optimal relationship between an innovation/team group and the lines of business? Is there a ‘golden rule’ for how close or how far away it should be?
If you want to achieve truly transformational innovation, you have to find leaders who are open to it, and willing to organize around it, says Saul Kaplan...