When asked about the role innovation plays at Anthem Blue Cross, Mariya Filipova said her team helps the insurance provider transform into an “AI-first enterprise.” Watch for more…
In this episode of Innovation Answered, we wanted to know, “What does innovation look like in government? ” To get best practices, InnoLead’s Kaitlin Milliken sat down with Tanya Hannah, the former Chief Information Officer of King’s County Washington. Steve Rader, Deputy Manager of NASA’s Center of Excellence for Collaborative...
In a safety-obsessed culture, how do you suggest new ways to innovate? Omar Hatamleh, the first Chief Innovation Officer for the engineering group at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, shares.
Shashi Jain’s day job is Intel. But he’s working almost another full-time shift as an organizer of the Portland 3D Printing Lab, which has been producing face shields for healthcare workers…
In this episode, Chris Anderson — CEO of 3DR, a drone software company — shares insights from his career and entrepreneurial ventures. Harvard Business Publishing’s Chief Product and Innovation Officer Josh Macht facilities. To get best practices from other innovators, watch other videos from our Impact main stage. Additional Resources: Get insights from...
Watch our favorite YouTube videos on key innovation concepts and methodologies like the three horizons, the Innovator’s Dilemma, design thinking, and rapid prototyping.
These 15 slide presentations offer insights into innovation strategy at organizations like NASA, Google, Nike, Mastercard, and Procter & Gamble. Get them all here…
As the third quarter of 2019 comes to a close, innovators approach the future with positivity. Looking for other ways to share the optimism? Get advice here…
“[Is] there any…content/statistics around smart meetings and techniques that companies are employing in the brainstorming process to encourage innovation?”
How can you find innovation allies? We pull insights from our recent Benchmarking Innovation Impact 2020 Report, and head over to the Bose headquarters to find out…
Olivier Toubia of Columbia Business School discusses factors leading to failure, how connecting with customers lays the foundation for success, and the role machine learning should play in sifting through ideas.
Crowdsourcing can help your team discover new ideas. Steve Rader of NASA’s Johnson Space Center will discuss his experience with harnessing the power of the crowd.
Andy Michuda of Sopheon, Shannon Lucas of Ericsson, and Michael Britt of Southern company explore best practices for ecosystem development. Get advice here…
From involving residents to running internal idea challenges to partnering with young tech companies, Revera Senior Living seeks to innovate aging collaboratively.
Georgia-Pacific’s Point A Center launches collaborative pilots between different companies to tackle complex supply chains with increased visibility and sustainability.
Cisco executive Kate O’Keeffe explains the format of the company’s 48-hour “living lab” program, which brings together multiple companies to explore opportunities.