
Benchmarking Innovation
Impact 2023

Sponsored by KPMG

How do you set up innovation teams for success? And how can those teams create quantifiable impact for their organization?

We’re excited to unveil our annual “Benchmarking Innovation Impact” report, which is packed with 55 pages of data and insights to help you benchmark your innovation program. This year’s report includes intel and comps for your company on team size, reporting relationships, use of physical innovation spaces, common activities, budget dynamics, top innovation challenges and enablers, and more.

The report includes insights from executives at companies such as MasterCard, Colgate-Palmolive and NASCAR, and shows that innovation can survive if there is a clear vision; quantifiable metrics and outcomes; a culture that can make decisions and allot resources without getting embroiled in politics and turf wars; and strong relationships throughout the organization.

Simply fill out the form at right for a free PDF excerpt.

This report was sponsored by KPMG and produced by InnoLead.

Download an excerpt of our Benchmarking Innovation Report

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