To shed light on how large companies are creating metrics and reporting approaches that work well, we surveyed 196 professionals in large organizations in the first quarter of 2021.
From late September through the end of October, we interviewed innovation leaders at 15 firms within the financial services ecosystem to benchmark their innovation and incubation activities.
Get insights and recommendations for innovation leaders seeking to get the most out of digital tools, and also for tool developers seeking to build productive relationships with those leaders.
In April 2020, we began planning this research initiative, CxOs and Innovation. It will consist of two mini-reports, interviews with corporate leaders, and thought leadership essays by our sponsor, KPMG LLP. The objective: to be helpful to C-Suite leaders and those professionals responsible for driving innovation inside large organizations.
How is the mandate for corporate innovation professionals evolving? What outcomes are C-suite leaders expecting? How does diversity, equity, and inclusion connect to innovation? This research report, part of our “CxOs & Innovation” series, features quantitative data and interviews with executives at Johnson & Johnson, Stanley Black & Decker, John...
For our latest report, our team asked members of the innovation community and futurists to forecast what our “new normal” might be. Respondents discussed what aspects of life before the crisis they think will return, and which aspects of the world will be permanently altered.
As the coronavirus pandemic has led to shelter-in-place orders and sharply reduced economic activity, innovators are wondering about what the future could look like for their teams, organizations, and industries. To better understand what’s happening in corporate innovation and R&D right now, we fielded a survey from April 27-May 4,...
In our view, fostering a culture that is supportive of innovation has never been more important than right now. 2020 will be a year of tremendous stress, pivots, and reprioritizing in every organization. Will your organization be able to source and act on the best ideas — ideas that may...
What role should quick wins play in your innovation or R&D portfolio? That’s the question we set out to answer with a survey and a set of qualitative interviews in our most recent research report.
We pulled data on the most popular reports, case studies & resources that our team produced in 2018. Get insights from our 12 top resources and another 15 from our partners.
One of the big projects we’ve been working has been building tools, templates, and other resources to help people working on innovation in large organizations…
Innovating inside large organizations is not easy. So how do you deliver concrete, tangible impact — over the short-term, medium-term, and long-term? InnoLead and KPMG have collaborated to create the go-to resource on corporate innovation, based on detailed survey data and interviews with senior executives at Whirlpool, Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, Southern Company, General...
Healthcare organizations are an extremely complex environments for innovation. Our report explores how healthcare companies have set up new initiatives that deliver results.
How do large companies scout the trends and technologies that will be most relevant to their future success? Our report collects advice from executives...
This report collects the best insights from innovation execs at companies like Johnson & Johnson, ExxonMobil, and others, including recommendations from our members…