
Upgrade Online Meetings: Virtual Whiteboarding

July 30, 2020

The final exercise from our “Upgrade Your Online Meetings” workshop teaches particpants how to make the most of the whiteboarding software Mural, and gives suggestions for redesiging work. Watch the video above for a detailed explanation from session leader Suzi Hamill, former Head of Design Thinking at Fidelity Investments. 


Open up Mural if it is available to you (there is a free trial, and Hamill also suggests Google Slide or the Zoom whiteboard feature as options). Take a few minutes to fill up three virtual post-it notes with ideas on how to change the way you or your team work based on your experiences from the past few months of remote work. To create a post-it note on Mural, double-click on the white space and one will appear. 


The facilitator of the meeting should create a two-by-two chart to prioritize which of these suggestions are urgent and important. Is your suggestion high urgency and high importance, low urgency and high importance, low urgency and low importance, or high urgency and low importance? One by one, each participant should describe their favorite suggestion to one of these four boxes and describe the idea. 


If you wish, you may share the suggestions generated from the session with a human resources manager at your company. 
