Data, Templates, and Resource Library
Here you’ll find actual documents used by our members — including templates, spreadsheets, powerpoint slides, project documents, and more — from innovation executives at large companies like Coca-Cola, Target, Intel, Disney, Marriott, Nike, Starbucks, Procter & Gamble, and many others. Choose the category “InnoLead Resources” to see those created by InnoLead, in collaboration with former executives at Pfizer, Transamerica, Keurig Dr Pepper, VMware, BNY Mellon, and other companies. That category also includes data visualizations from many of our recent research reports.
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Generative AI Tournament Overview The construction and engineering firm Black & Veatch launched an internal tournament in 2023 to spur employees to explore potential ways they might employ generative AI. This slightly-genericized PowerPoint deck provides and overview of the tournament’s objectives; rules; and judging process.
Caliber Public Safety: Hackathon Flyer Hackathon overview, definition, and agenda, from a technology solutions company.
Boeing: Innovation Day Pitch Deck A slide deck template for participants in Boeing’s Innovation Day competition.
AI in the Enterprise: 30 Useful Charts The InnoLead team compiled this deck, available in PowerPoint and PDF form, as a resource for professionals helping to shape AI strategy and deployments.
January 2025: Member Survey Results We surveyed InnoLead corporate members, as well as vendor, advisory, and academic members, about the issues at the top for their agenda for 2025.
Corporate Innovation: 14 Essential Concepts Defined This deck, assembled by InnoLead, highlights the 14 most essential concepts in corporate innovation to help organizations foster creativity, agility, and leadership. We define each concept, provide a visual or framework that helps make it concrete, and recommend books, articles, or online resources to learn more.
Citigroup: Startup Coach Job Description Job description for a Singapore-based position at Citi Ventures — a D10X Startup Coach and Entrepreneur-in-Residence who will play “a critical role in the D10X program by helping the D10X startup teams keep their ‘eye on the prize’, providing an outside-in perspective, staying true to the D10X process and generally contributing to…
Disney: Director of Technologies, Innovation Enablement Job description for a role at Disney that will “be responsible for establishing this new function through the development of strategies for the Emerging Technologies portfolio, and facilitating the delivery of innovative projects from ideation through implementation.”
ECMC Group: Director of Innovation Job Description A short description outlining the responsibilities of the director of innovation at ECMC Group, one of 35 Federal Family Education Loan Program Guarantors.
PTC: Comic Book About Augmented Reality This comic book lays out how augmented reality may be used in the workplace — both on tablets and on glasses. Shows how future visions can be communicated, outside the realm of PowerPoint.
Gensler: Everything You’d Ever Want (or Never Want) in an Innovation Hub An innovation hub is a distinct environment strategically designed and actively nurtured to promote a way of working that is fundamentally different from an organization’s norm. (Some call them labs, centers, accelerators, or incubators.) But not all innovation hubs are created equal. InnoLead and Gensler, the design and architecture firm, teamed up…
BNY Mellon: Global Innovation Centers Overview Short overview of BNY Mellon’s network of innovation centers, their approach, and focus.
Scorecard: Create a Baseline Set of Innovation Metrics for Your Org This spreadsheet, created with input from a group of a dozen corporate innovators at a recent event, encourages you to focus in on the areas of measurement that matter most to your executive sponsors, and will help you assign a score to each of those areas. The spreadsheet also gives…
Options for Innovation Org Structure, Process, and Measurement Created inside publicly-traded companies, this PowerPoint deck lays out various options for setting up innovation organizations; defining roles; creating processes and pipelines for moving projects forward; and measuring outcomes.
Suggested Metrics for Your Innovation Portfolio Created by Ravi Kanniganti of Target Corp. to accompany an article on metrics, this PDF lays out ways to track the health of an innovation portfolio; pilot tests run with startups; intrapreneurial projects; and more.
Corporate Innovation: 14 Essential Concepts Defined This deck, assembled by InnoLead, highlights the 14 most essential concepts in corporate innovation to help organizations foster creativity, agility, and leadership. We define each concept, provide a visual or framework that helps make it concrete, and recommend books, articles, or online resources to learn more.
Orbit Generative AI Tools Orbit is a platform being developed by the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship to support new venture development, and they’re interested in giving early access to corporate leaders from the InnoLead community, to test it out and provide feedback.
Idea Canvas for Evaluating and Testing New Ideas Adapted from the Business Model Canvas to better fit the needs of the corporate world, this Idea Canvas allows you to follow a high-level scientific process when evaluating ideas and then use the criteria from the Idea Canvas when testing or validating that idea. Developed by a Senior Director working in the…
What Does It Take to Make Strategic Innovation Stick? Short but specific slide deck from a June 2024 InnoLead members meeting. Covers what must be in place to build capability for strategic innovation, as well as key lessons from trying to ensure the capability survives and thrives over time.
Pitch Deck: Designing a Corporate Venturing/Startup Engagement Strategy Created inside a publicly-traded insurance firm, this PowerPoint deck makes the case for committing resources to the startup ecosystem, venture funds, accelerators, and universities.
Clearly Defining Your Innovation Strategy, Vision, and Mission This short PowerPoint deck, developed inside a publicly-traded manufacturing company, was created to make sure that everyone is on the same page with the “What, Where, When, Why, How” of innovation. It includes explainer slides with annotations, followed by slides that can be easily adapted for use with your company.
Scoping Opportunities, Fleshing Out Concepts, and Doing Customer Research Created inside publicly-traded companies, this short PowerPoint deck collects worksheets, templates, and “cheat sheets” related to evaluating opportunities, fleshing out concepts, and conducting customer research.
Idea Canvas for Evaluating and Testing New Ideas Adapted from the Business Model Canvas to better fit the needs of the corporate world, this Idea Canvas allows you to follow a high-level scientific process when evaluating ideas and then use the criteria from the Idea Canvas when testing or validating that idea. Developed by a Senior Director working in the…
WD-40: Project Management Guide Lots of definitions and templates related to the project management process at WD-40.