
InnoLead Events: Online and In-Person

Our Next In-Person Event:

Impact 2025

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Calendar of All Upcoming Events (Online & In-Person)

DateEvent Topic / LinkOnline/In-Person
Feb 28Is There a Career Path for Corporate Innovators?Online
March 4The Good, the Bad, and the In-Between: Corporate Venture BuildingOnline
March 6Corporate GenAI Use: Examples, Challenges, and New Competitive DynamicsOnline
March 13Creating Your Own Custom AI AssistantOnline
April 1Chicago Innovation ForumIn-Person
June 3NYC Forum on Enterprise AI, Innovation, and Startup EngagementIn-Person
Oct 20-22Impact 2025: Our Annual ConferenceIn-Person

Questions about participating or sponsoring an event? Email us.

Why Does Everyone Love InnoLead’s Virtual & In-Person Events?

You won’t encounter the usual canned PowerPoint presentations, droning speakers, or trade show floors at our events.

Instead, we create useful and in-depth experiences online and in-person. We give you a chance to ask questions and drive the conversation, ensuring your issues get addressed. We give you the opportunity to network in small groups (yes, even online). At our in-person gatherings, we take you inside the most innovative spaces in the world to interact with the teams running those centers, and host informal, interactive whiteboard sessions that connect you with your peers to share best practices, compare approaches, and explore solutions to common challenges.

Whether you attend one of our online roundtables or workshops, a Field Study, our annual Impact conference, or our one-day Deep Dive events, you’ll benefit from the high-level information exchange and networking opportunities that are InnoLead hallmarks.

Our Unique Event Formats

Impact is the only conference designed just for corporate innovators, to help them achieve more impact in their organizations and career.

Through interactive whiteboard sessions and hands-on workshops, attendees learn about innovation metrics, governance, working with business units, co-creation, ecosystems, and a wide array of new and established innovation methodologies. Infused with peer-to-peer learning, skill-building, and interactive activities, our off-the-record sessions are for attendees’ ears only. No slides, no panels, just real conversations with your peers at the world’s largest companies.

Our digital workshops, roundtables, and conferences give you access to incredible speakers, important debates, and advice from your peers. All of them invite your involvement — whether that is asking questions, recommending resources in the chat stream, hopping on camera, responding to a live poll, or leading a breakout discussion on a topic that you suggest. (During a recent event with San Diego Zoo Global, we even checked in on the polar bear habitat.)

Our Field Studies provide an engaging and collaborative forum for innovation executives, enabling them to visit other innovation spaces, share war stories, and benefit from the insight of their peers.

Our shorter events — from a three-hour roundtable with peers to a full-day Deep Dive focusing on a single theme — still deliver incredibly high value to participants. Usually, we host them in corporate labs or startup spaces (not hotel boardrooms.)

We’ve run roundtables and Deep Dive gatherings at the CME Group, Johnson & Johnson, LinkedIn, Entergy, Kimberly-Clark, MassChallenge, MasterCard, MIT, New Labs, Royal Bank of Scotland, Starbucks, Verizon, Tiffany & Co., Whirlpool, Work-Bench, and many others.

Check out photos from all of our past events

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who comes to InnoLead events?

Corporate innovation, strategy and R&D professionals. That’s everyone from Chief Innovation Officers and VPs of Innovation, to Directors of Innovation and R&D Managers. If you’re responsible for new products or services inside your company, you’re probably the right fit.

Will vendors be there pitching me?

No. Our events are pitch-free zones. Aside from event partners who help us plan and run some of our events (and often run some very useful, pitch-free sessions), we do not admit consultants, advisors, software firms, or others who might try to pitch you something.

We’re brand new to innovation … will we be in over our heads?

NO, absolutely not! Our events have sessions that will be super-useful to you whether you’re just getting your innovation program started, or are several years in. In addition, regardless of your level, you’ll benefit from the collective experience of corporate innovators from some of the world’s leading companies, who attend our events and lead our sessions.

I can’t really afford time out-of-the-office … Will this be worth it?

Probably best to let past event attendees answer this one:

  • “As a leader starting up a new innovation function in my company, this event was invaluable. Great way to get started!” – Innovation Architect at a $3.5B technology distributor
  • “It’s easy to get buried in your corners of the world and be busy with stuff. The Teach-In broke me out of my reverie, and woke me up to what all is going on — stuff that will make a difference.” – V.P. Strategy, Biz Dev & innovation at $5B company
  • “So many smart, forward thinking, helpful and insightful people in one place.” – VP of Innovation at global financial services firm
  • “It was fantastic to see so many people facing similar issues and to see the varied ways they approach them. Real stories from real people.” – SVP at $30B global energy management company
  • “Better than any innovation conference I’ve been to” – Director of Strategic Innovation at $2B insurer

How can I justify attending to my boss?

We’ve created a downoadable PDF document that makes the case for participating in InnoLead’s high-value live events.

What about your COVID-19 policies?

We craft policies designed to keep attendees safe for each individual event, based on local guidelines.

What is the code of conduct at your events?

We are dedicated to creating a professional, safe, welcoming, and harassment-free environment for all our attendees. Please see our complete code of conduct here.

Interested in being a speaker?