A visual representation of Whirlpool’s now-famous dashboard (from 2013), which provides a snapshot view of initiatives, projected revenue, pipeline, and more.
Detailed agenda from Marriott’s week-long “Innovation Days” program, held at headquarters. Includes day-by-day sessions, descriptions, and more. The theme: “Advancing the INNOVATION Blueprint and Unlocking the Future.”
Key position at the Boston-based private bank will evaluate and analyze business ideas, recommend a course of action, present analysis to leadership, execute recommendations, and more.
Illustrates how innovation isn’t a “function” at the Atlanta-based beverage maker, but is rather embedded across the system; discusses their “three tiers” to guide innovation efforts.
Excellent, short, two-page document that outlines both guiding principles and operating principles related to innovation at Capital One’s commercial real-estate group.
A look at innovation that must be open and collaborative, social and decentralized (with a “light-touch” approach), and focused on a portfolio approach. From the New Jersey-based insurance provider.
Job description for a Growth Initiatives Team Leader, which is “responsible for defining and driving disruptive innovation efforts against an identified strategic opportunity.”
Well-organized job description covers the responsibilities and skills needed for an Innovation & Product Development Director. Marsh & McLennan has businesses in insurance brokerage, risk management, reinsurance services, talent management, investment advisory, and management consulting.
Nice overview of the innovation methodology in place at the Hearst Health Innovation Lab, with examples of committee reports, challenges, lessons and more. Includes sample pitches. Hearst Health is part of the global media company Hearst.
This 29-page presentation includes a history lesson on the chain’s roots in the ice retailing business, and four lessons of innovation. Includes a 7-Eleven “Digital Strategy Map” and more.
Includes a nice visual process framework, their four-stage planning process, and the development concept of Tribes, Squads and Guilds. Dyn is a tech services company that is owned by Oracle.
Three page output looks at the three steps in business process innovation at Kelly, the office staffing firm: Discovery, Incubation, and Acceleration. Includes roles and oversight for each step.
An outstanding example of an innovation progress report from one of the world’s top hospitals, this 24-pager covers programs in place, their approach, and status.
Explanation of Dell EMC’s international idea contest and innovation pipeline. Includes their roadmap, “incubation readiness levels,” ROI metrics, and more.
Very simple and innovative (can we say that?) rating system for scoring elements of the innovation program at Wisconsin-based Trek Bicycle. Uses simple red, yellow and green for ten key questions.
Details on the innovation team’s graffiti art project that visually represents significant innovations that have been implemented by the Innovation Team.