
Advice on Piloting and Scaling New Ideas in Healthcare

May 1, 2018

Few industries are as regulated, as quality-oriented, and as populated by busy professionals as healthcare. So how do you make time to source, evaluate, pilot, and scale new ideas? How do you set the right metrics and milestones, and kill projects that aren’t hitting them?

Tied to the release of our research report on Healthcare Innovation, and our upcoming Deep Dive event in Boston, we explored those questions and more in a webcast with InnoLead members. The webcast featured Scott Kirsner, InnoLead’s Editor and Co-Founder; David Crean, Senior Vice President of Innovation at Anthem; Carla Small, Sr. Director of the Innovation and Digital Health Accelerator at Boston Children’s Hospital; and Nick Dougherty, Program Director of Pulse@MassChallenge.

Crean says, “Most of the thoughts that I have around laying the groundwork for success is related to the upstream work that you do to gain buy-in and inform key stakeholders who will be critical downstream as you want to execute, pilot, and scale a solution… You have to identify the leader in the business who is going to be your passionate sponsor, who believes in what you are doing and feels that they can’t live without it. You have to have that early on. For the most part, we won’t take on initiatives unless we have that level of sponsorship and that level of passion.” (See his slide below.) Crean adds that all of the work represented by the bullets on this slide “are as least as much effort as delivering the solution” itself.

The slides from the webcast are available in our resource center.  
