
Testing and Scaling New Ideas in Healthcare Deep Dive

May 23, 2018

At our recent Healthcare Deep Dive event, co-hosted with our friends at PA Consulting Group, leaders from around the US met in Boston to discuss challenges — and solutions — related to making change happen in the healthcare industry. We dropped in on Fenway Park for a tour and to be part of batting practice, and visited Boston Children’s Hospital, including their incredible simulation space. Our whiteboard sessions and workshops touched on pilot testing, regulation, setting up labs, and scaling what works. We also were joined by a few great startups that demoed VR/AR and speech-related products over lunch. Thanks also to our venue hosts, the PULSE@MassChallenge accelerator program.

Missed out on this event? Check out what else we have coming up. 

Want to learn more about innovating in this industry? Check out our recent healthcare collection and webcast.
