
AI, Compute + Data: Mastercard R&D Exec on Today’s Major Tech Trends

July 10, 2024

As part of our 2024 event, Leveraging AI, we curated a list of speakers who could share concrete ways their companies have begun experimenting with AI. This video features Rahul Deshpande, EVP & Global Head of Research and Development at Mastercard, in conversation with Scott Kirsner of InnoLead.

Deshpande opened with his take on technological convergence:

“Mastercard has a long history of innovation. As you can imagine, we [have been] in business for 60-plus years. We have been a bit more formal about the innovation role for last 14 or 15 years. I started my journey with Mastercard in their Mastercard Labs division, which was like a nascent group. And over the last 10 years, we’ve been a bit more structured — a lot more structured — and then more focused. Now, we do have [a] more focused agenda, but then we are also spontaneous. We want to have this mix up of both. …We’ve change our name to be Foundry. …All these changes are coming. There’s a phrase called [that] is by Hemingway…It’s ‘gradually and then suddenly,’ right? Things are happening for gradually for years. And then suddenly these things happen. …He’s talking about bankruptcy. …But that’s true for a lot of things that are happening today. …I think 2024 is one of those years where we’re seeing all these different technologies are converging, and then creating this amplification effect.”
